Loreal Blackened Smokes Eye Shadow Quad is a dark smokey eye quad. The main colour is silver, to add the shine and the black for the liner. This I wouldn't wear out in the day time, I would wear it more at night cause it would just look freaky in the day. The shadows are VERY pigmented, and I always love these drugstore quads because they taught me how to apply eye shadows, the directions on the back are very convenient. It comes with the 2 drugstore applicators, which don't use by the way they aren't very sanitary. This quad was only $6.99, that is so inexpensive! It is great for travelling, cause you don't want to carry like 4000 eye shadows, you wanna pack light. Loreal has many other selections of quads, I definitely recommend you guys go check them out!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Loreal Blackened Smokes Eye Shadow Quad
Loreal Blackened Smokes Eye Shadow Quad is a dark smokey eye quad. The main colour is silver, to add the shine and the black for the liner. This I wouldn't wear out in the day time, I would wear it more at night cause it would just look freaky in the day. The shadows are VERY pigmented, and I always love these drugstore quads because they taught me how to apply eye shadows, the directions on the back are very convenient. It comes with the 2 drugstore applicators, which don't use by the way they aren't very sanitary. This quad was only $6.99, that is so inexpensive! It is great for travelling, cause you don't want to carry like 4000 eye shadows, you wanna pack light. Loreal has many other selections of quads, I definitely recommend you guys go check them out!